Learning Frameworks

The graduate Family Physician is a generalist who works to benefit the health of patients, families, and communities.

UBC follows a Triple C Curriculum Competency-Based Curriculum as outlined by the College of Family Physicians of Canada. By the end of residency, the family practice resident will be competent to enter and adapt to the independent practice of comprehensive, longitudinal family medicine anywhere in Canada. They will apply the Four Principles of Family Medicine and demonstrate basic competency in all areas described in the CFPC’s Family Medicine Professional Profile, including those outlined in the CanMEDS-FM framework and the Assessment Objectives  (Skill Dimensions and Priority Topics). The Core Learning Outcomes developed by UBC identify the minimum abilities required of all residents at the completion of the program.

The CFPC’s “The Scope of Training for Family Medicine Residency” is another helpful resource, which explores learning outcomes, learning opportunities and assessments. It is mapped to UBC’s Core Learning Objectives.


There are three components of Triple C Competency-Based Curriculum:

  • Comprehensive education and patient care
  • Continuity of education and patient care
  • Centred in family medicine

For more information visit the CFPC page on Triple C Curriculum.

The Four Principles of Family Medicine are as follows:

The family physician is a skilled clinician.

Family medicine is a community-based discipline.

The family physician is a resource to a defined practice population.

The patient-physician relationship is central to the role of the family physician.

For more information, visit the CPFC page.

The Family Medicine Professional Profile is a position statement that defines the discipline of family medicine, describes the scope of practice and training for family physicians, and highlights the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC)'s distinctive approach and philosophy of care.

The CanMEDS-FM roles describe how Family Medicine residents should behave as they carry out their clinical activities:

  • Family Medicine Expert
  • Communicator
  • Collaborator
  • Health Advocate
  • Professional
  • Scholar
  • Leader

The CanMEDS-Family Medicine roles were developed by the Working Group on Curriculum Review and were adopted by the Board of Directors of the College of Family Physicians of Canada in 2017. For more information, visit the CFPC page on CanMEDS-FM.

The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) has implemented the Continuous Reflective Assessment for Training (CRAFT) system, aiming to establish a comprehensive framework for competency-based assessment among resident trainees.

This model entails consistent, ongoing formative evaluations conducted within the clinical setting, complemented by regular summative performance appraisals overseen by a dedicated faculty group and your site director. These reviews serve to gauge your progress and adapt the training experience as needed.

The assessment frameworks encompass six skill dimensions and CanMEDS roles, spanning various domains of care built within our assessment tools. At UBC, a range of tools is utilized to facilitate assessment, including Field Notes via the T-Res platform, In-Training Assessment Reports (ITARs) via the One-45 platform, direct observation data, video reviews, and periodic reviews, and others. These instruments support documentation, reflection, and customization of training strategies based on individual progress.

For more detailed information, please refer to the UBC Family Practice Residency's Assessment page available at: https://postgrad.familypractice.ubc.ca/resident-resources/assessment-and-evaluation/

Indigenous Health Curriculum

The program recognizes the impacts of colonial determinants of health on Indigenous Peoples within settler Canada. Indigenous Peoples health and wellness has become a program priority for this reason. Recent updates to the curriculum include Indigenous approaches to health and wellness, the impacts of colonization and the Indian Act on care experience and health outcomes, and anti-racism in clinical practice. Likewise, every site delivers a facilitated reading of the Government of BC’s In Plain Sight Report. This curriculum is found in the principles of strengths based approaches and redressing health inequities within all of the CanMEDS competencies.

Additional components of the Learning Curriculum:

For additional components please see the scholarship and rural rotation sections of the website.