Periodic Review

Periodic Review

The periodic review of a resident’s progress is a pivotal component of the resident’s assessment for learning. It provides continuity in educational planning and guidance.

Periodic Review Process & Intentions

The specifics of the periodic review are as follows:

  • It is a face-to-face meeting lasting 30 to 45 minutes between the Resident and the Site Director or their designated competency coach.
  • It takes place at least every 4 months during the program, for a total of 6 periodic reviews during the course of their 2-year training.
  • It requires high-quality assessment data and thorough preparation.
  • It results in an updated, personalized learning plan.
  • Please use the following Guide for Periodic Reviews in Family Medicine and the UBC Family Practice Residency Program Benchmarks to assist you in this process.

The periodic review provides residents with:

  • Continuity in a relationship-based, guided reflective review, and interpretation of their assessment data throughout the 2-year program.
  • Dedicated time with a competency coach outside the clinical environment.
  • The opportunity to develop fundamental self-regulated learning skills essential for effective lifelong learning.
  • Personalized adjustments to their learning plan.

Preparation for Periodic Review

The resident’s role in the periodic review involves presenting evidence of their growing competence across the 9 Core Domains and Core Activities. To prepare, residents must:

  • Review assessment information obtained since the previous review, including:
    • All Field Notes and end-of-shift forms.
    • All In-Training Assessment Reports (ITARs).
  • Compile any other completed requirements such as modules, scholarly activities, and academic presentations.
  • Write a reflective paragraph on your strengths and gaps in addition to a particular aspect of training, such as a specific CanMEDS-FM role.

If you have any further questions or comments, please contact your Site Director.