

We require all candidates to satisfy the following criteria:

  1. CCFP certification, or
  2. Eligibility for CCFP certification (current or expected to be obtained within the Enhanced Skills (ES) residency year); that is, a resident in their final year of FM residency, or a physician who is practice-eligible to sit the CFPC certification examination during the ES residency year.

Applications will be considered and approved in the following priority order according to training time and training spots available:

  • Licensed physicians practicing in British Columbia for a minimum of 6 months seeking to develop enhanced skills to meet an identified community need.
  • Physicians straight from a UBC residency program with an interest in a particular area of enhanced skills where there is a clear and urgent identified need (eg. addictions medicine) with or without links to a specific community.
  • Out-of-province requests (Please note: The postgraduate programs of the Department of Family Medicine do not accept Visa trainees)

Note on funding:

Please note that Enhanced Skills is a third year residency program. Trainees are paid at the R3 level according to the Resident Doctors of BC Collective Agreement. Besides salary and benefits, residents training for 12 weeks or longer also receive some educational funding.

Residents are not paid to re-locate during their training. Category 1 residents are reimbursed for mandatory travel outside their home site, in accordance with the PGME Resident Mandated Travel and Reimbursement Policy. Category 2 residents do not generally qualify for mandatory travel reimbursement. If you have questions about travel reimbursement, please clarify before beginning your training.

Please visit our FAQ page for answers to some common admissions-related questions.

CMG Applicants

CMG applicants include current CMG R2s, and return-entry physicians (including IMGs who have completed their Return of Service).


Application Process (2024-2025 Intake)

Category 1 Programs have been filled for the 2024-25 year. Applications for the 2025-26 year will open in August of 2024. Please refer to CaRMS for timeline and application details.

The formal application process for Category 2 programs has completed, but the program still has available funding in several areas. Please contact us if you are interested in applying -

Application Process (2025-2026 Intake)

All Category 1 programs, with the exception of the Clinician Scholar Program, are matched via CaRMS. Please visit the CaRMS site for details about timeline and application process.

Details about how to apply for our Clinician Scholar Program can be found here.

For a list of all Category 2 Programs offered, please see our Training Programs page.

Application requirements:

  1. Completed Enhanced Skills Application Form, which includes:
    • Current Curriculum Vitae
    • Personal Statement, stating reasons for desiring enhanced skills, the skill area desired, the amount of training time requested, and identification of specific community need
  2. 3 Letters of Personal Reference in support of the requested training (should emailed directly to the Enhanced Skills Coordinator from the referee)
  3. Letter of Community Support (from hospital Chief of Staff, Chair of the CHC etc.) identifying the need and confirming the willingness of the community to utilize the skills of the physician once acquired. This letter is helpful but not absolutely required.

Please have all supporting letters sent via email to Lindsay Gowland, Enhanced Skills Coordinator.


Applications open: July 1, 2024

Applications close: September 10, 2024

Acceptance notification:  By November 15, 2024

Deadline for acceptance: December 12, 2024 (end of day)

Selection Process

Candidates will be selected based upon their personal merits, commitment to their community, and ability to meet community needs. Letters of support from members of the community (regional health board, hospital CEO, etc.) and local physicians, confirming the need and affirming support for the candidate in pursuit of these skills are an optional addition to the application package.

Please note that interviews are not held for our Category 2 Programs unless there are an extraordinary number of applicants.

IMG Applicants

Please note that all IMG applicants need to attain approval from their Ministry of Health prior to applying.

Application Process (2025-2026 Intake)

All Category 1 programs, with the exception of the Clinician Scholar Program, are matched via CaRMS. Please visit the CaRMS site for details about timeline and application process.

IMG Applicants are eligible to apply to Category 1 programs once they are completing their Return of Service. Please note the following requirement:

  • Letter of Approval from Ministry of Health Return of Service Program giving approval to defer or pause their Return of Service commitment for the duration of the training. This letter must be attached in addition to any other required documentation on the CaRMS application

BC Applicants: To request approval and for all other questions regarding the specific IMG requirements, please contact the Ministry of Health: 

Regular Application Cycle

IMG Applicants from UBC can apply during the regular Category 2 timeline. Training in these positions must occur in the first 12 weeks following graduation from their R2 program, prior to the start of their Return of Service. However - please note that there is limited capacity at training sites in the July to September period which may impact the number of positions available.


Applications open: July 1, 2024

Applications close: September 10, 2024

Acceptance notification:  By November 15, 2024

Deadline for acceptance: December 12, 2024 (end of day)

Application requirements:

  1. Completed Enhanced Skills Application Form, which includes:
    • Current Curriculum Vitae
    • Personal Statement, stating reasons for desiring enhanced skills, the skill area desired, the amount of training time requested, and identification of specific community need
  2. Letter of Approval from Ministry of Health Return of Service Program giving approval to defer or pause their Return of Service commitment for the duration of the training.
    BC Applicants: All BC IMGs interested in applying may contact the Ministry of Health at to request approval.
  3.  Letters of Personal Reference in support of the requested training (should emailed directly to the Enhanced Skills Coordinator from the referee). If a letter of community support is included, it can be considered as one of the 3 letters of reference.
  4. Letter of Community Support (from hospital Chief of Staff, Chair of the CHC etc.) identifying the need and confirming the willingness of the community to utilize the skills of the physician once acquired. This letter is helpful but not absolutely required.

Please have all supporting letters, including those from the Ministry of Health and Health Authority, sent via email to Lindsay Gowland, Enhanced Skills Coordinator.

Late Application Cycle

IMG Applicants have an additional opportunity to apply for Category 2 training in their R2 year, after they have been matched to their Return of Service community. These training opportunities are not guaranteed to occur immediately after graduation (July), and will only be available if there is funding remaining after the initial Category 2 match. Applicants will need to request a letter of approval from the Health Authority where their Return of Service lies.


Applications open: November 15, 2024

Applications close: January 15, 2025

Acceptance notification:  By January 30, 2025

Deadline for acceptance: February 7, 2025

Application requirements:

  1. Completed Enhanced Skills Application Form, which includes:
    • Current Curriculum Vitae
    • Personal Statement, stating reasons for desiring enhanced skills, the skill area desired, the amount of training time requested, and identification of specific community need
  2. Letter of Approval from Ministry of Health Return of Service Program giving approval to defer or pause their Return of Service commitment for the duration of the training. All IMGs interested in applying may contact the Ministry of Health at to request approval.
  3. Letter of Approval from Health Authority giving approval to defer or pause their Return of Service commitment for the duration of the training
  4. 3 Letters of Personal Reference in support of the requested training (should emailed directly to the Enhanced Skills Program office from the referee). If a letter of community support is included, it can be considered as one of the 3 letters of reference.
  5. Letter of Community Support (from hospital Chief of Staff, Chair of the CHC etc.) identifying the need and confirming the willingness of the community to utilize the skills of the physician once acquired. This letter is helpful but not absolutely required.

Selection Process:

Candidates will be selected based upon their personal merits, commitment to their community, and ability to meet community needs. Letters of support from members of the community (regional health board, hospital CEO, etc.) and local physicians, confirming the need and affirming support for the candidate in pursuit of these skills are an optional addition to the application package.

Please note that interviews are not held for our Category 2 Programs unless there are an extraordinary number of applicants.

IMG Applicants who have completed their family practice residency and are currently completing their Return of Service are welcome to apply during the regular Category 2 application process. These applicants require a letter from their Health Authority granting approval for the pause in their Return of Service commitment.


Applications open: July 1, 2024

Applications close: September 10, 2024

Acceptance notification:  By November 15, 2024

Deadline for acceptance: December 12, 2024 (end of day)

Application requirements:

  1. Completed Enhanced Skills Application Form, which includes:
    • Current Curriculum Vitae
    • Personal Statement, stating reasons for desiring enhanced skills, the skill area desired, the amount of training time requested, and identification of specific community need
  2. Letter of Approval from Ministry of Health Return of Service Program giving approval to defer or pause their Return of Service commitment for the duration of the training.
    BC Applicants: All BC IMGs interested in applying may contact the Ministry of Health at to request approval.
  3. Letter of Approval from Health Authority giving approval to defer or pause their Return of Service commitment for the duration of the training
  4. 3 Letters of Personal Reference in support of the requested training (should emailed directly to the Enhanced Skills Coordinator from the referee). If a letter of community support is included, it can be considered as one of the 3 letters of reference.
  5. Letter of Community Support (from hospital Chief of Staff, Chair of the CHC etc.) identifying the need and confirming the willingness of the community to utilize the skills of the physician once acquired. This letter is helpful but not absolutely required.

Please have all supporting letters sent via email to Lindsay Gowland, Enhanced Skills Coordinator.

Selection Process:

Candidates will be selected based upon their personal merits, commitment to their community, and ability to meet community needs. Letters of support from members of the community (regional health board, hospital CEO, etc.) and local physicians, confirming the need and affirming support for the candidate in pursuit of these skills are an optional addition to the application package.

Please note that interviews are not held for our Category 2 Programs unless there are an extraordinary number of applicants.

Please note, you can only match to a single Category 1 program through CaRMS. Should you match to a Category 1 program through CaRMS, this is a binding contract and you will need to relinquish or decline any subsequent Category 2 offers you receive. Should you receive and accept a Category 2 offer PRIOR to the CaRMS rank order list deadline, you will need to withdraw from the CaRMS match. Between the rank order list deadline and match day, you cannot accept any Category 2 offers. Any circumvention of this policy will result in a match violation and may result in disciplinary actions.