Evidence Based Medicine (EBM)

The EBM portion of the  program is undergoing significant changes with many sites piloting the Evidence Informed Healthcare (EIHC)  modules as the core of their EBM learning opportunities.  Some sites may continue to use their preexisting curriculum and learning opportunities. Regardless of specific curriculum however the learning opportunities in each site will be structured to provide ample opportunity for residents to achieve core scholar competencies and help our learners achieve the EBM Learning outcomes. This document details the core learning outcomes and the timeline whereby this competency should be demonstrated, with each site determining their best strategy for how to assess this during this period of transition. Also during this period of transition sites will explore different strategies to engage with the EBM curriculum including the EIHC modules consistent with adult learning concepts and site level considerations.

The Evidence Informed Healthcare modules can be found here: https://www.med.ubc.ca/education/eihc/
These modules are free to sign up / enroll and just requires signing in with your CWL.

The FRESNO Quiz is one of the most  widely used validated tools for assessing EBM competency. In many ways however it assesses core EBM knowledge and skills that are achieved in undergraduate medical programs prior to residency. It is used in various ways at sites and is perhaps best considered as a resident driven strategy to identify gaps that should be identified and addressed early in a resident's journey. The FRESNO QUIZ here is modified from the original for brevity and has an auto-marking feature as well as quiz feedback and links to resources to help learners address knowledge gaps.  There are also some help files if needed.. The FRESNO QUIZ and related resources currently reside with some other EBM resources on a legacy learning and sharing platform, ENTRADA that can be accessed with your CWL here.

The Distributed Health Research Methods Course is an online course consisting of 13 modules of research topics. All residents will have access to this course so if you wish to learn more about specific research methods pertaining to your project, you are welcome to watch the videos and do the readings for the specific module in which you are interested. The site is currently hosted on Canvas.