Authorship and Acknowledgement
All Resident Research Projects should attach an Authorship Statement to the written report to explain the contribution of all residents and faculty in the project. For team projects, where more than one resident is involved, the statement must elaborate on how the work was distributed. It should be clear to the reader that each involved resident made a contribution that is proportionate to the work expected for an individual Resident Scholar Project. If more than one co-author (resident and/or faculty), all co-authors should complete an authorship contribution statement.
Collaboration and Mentorship (including Acknowledgements)
During the course of their Resident Project, residents are encouraged to build competence in the development of collaborative interdisciplinary relationships and processes with research resource staff, faculty, peers, participants, mentors, and others. Residents should describe their collaboration in the methods section of the report (and abstract) if applicable. Residents should describe the specific contribution of persons who supported the research project in the acknowledgements section. Draft acknowledgements section should be provided at bottom of abstract. This will not be counted into word count.